PNR/EU-Australia Agreement

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Maurice (Diskussion | Beiträge)
(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: === Information === Differation to the EU-US Draft is in the legal form of the agreement and in the provisions for redress and judicial review. Questions raised: # Wo...)
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Version vom 11:42, 1. Jun. 2011


Differation to the EU-US Draft is in the legal form of the agreement and in the provisions for redress and judicial review.

Questions raised:

  1. Would the EU-Australia agreement in this form be binding on Australia? (The US-EU agreement would not be binding on the US.)
  2. Does the Australian Privacy Act provide adequate redress and satisfy EU adequacy requirements? (The laws cited in the US agreement, such as FOIA and the APA, are not data protection or privacy laws, and provide no redress for breach of privacy or violations of other fundamental rights.)
  3. Is the Australian Information Commissioner "independent"? (The DHS Chief Privacy Officer is not independent -- in fact, they are at the center of an ongoing scandal about higher-level political interference.)



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