The Upcoming EU e-Privacy Reform
FnF2016 workshop
organiser: Ralf
relevant sources:
existing Directive 2002/58/EC (last amended in 2009)
EU Commission: Public Consultation on the Evaluation and Review of the ePrivacy Directive
EU Commission: interim summary of the public consultation
EDRi: e-Privacy Directive revision: An analysis from the civil society
EDRi: "e-Privacy Directive: Frequently Asked Questions"
Greens/EFA in the European Parliament: Public Hearing: The Reform of the e-privacy Directive: How to get it right?
Bird&Bird: "Article 29 Working Party and the EDPS advise that EU should preserve and not reduce ePrivacy rules"
Arnold & Porter Advisory: "The European Union's E-Privacy Revamp: What is Being Proposed?"
Netzpolitik.org: Reform der ePriacy-Richtlinie: Schutz der Menschen oder Schutz der Geschäftsmodelle? (German - good overview of lobbying pressure)