Vorlage:Newsticker en 11.10.2008

Aus Freiheit statt Angst!

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Rome - worldwide action day started At 9.30 a conference titled "Salvare i diritti civili, fermare l'escalation della sorveglianza" ("Save the Civil Rights, stop the escalation of surveillance") started at the Palazzo Valentini. Various speeches will be held until 1pm. --Newsflash 10:04, 11. Okt. 2008 (CEST)

Assembly of the stage at the Brandenburger Tor

Berlin - Preparations for the great demonstration have finished already.
The first event to take place as part of the International Action Day will be a conference about the topic "Save civil rights, stop surveillance escalation" which will be held in Rome at 9:30 CEST.--Newsflash 00:35, 11. Okt. 2008 (CEST)

The content of the actions listed above is within the responsibility of the respective organisers. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung.

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