Freedom Not Fear 2011/Brussels/day-of-discussion

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Monday, 19.9.2011 - Day of discussion

Day of discussion

We do not only like to protest and to remain within our circles. That might lead to simplified black-and-white-thiking and tunnel visions.

To avoid this and to proove our arguments we like to invite politicians and others on monday to get in contact with us and to discuss our topics and concerns.


Not fixed yet. See below "available rooms".

To make a plan out of it, we need to know, who likes to join us for this day:


Fehler beim Erstellen des Vorschaubildes: Die Miniaturansicht konnte nicht am vorgesehenen Ort gespeichert werden

We are really sorry, but European Bureaucracy is making problems:

To make you enter the buildings of the European Commission and European Parliament we need some personal data from you in advance. We try to get some alternative meetings outside of that "safety zones" but some people will probably not come to those places (only because of missing time for running around ...)

Therefore we need to know in advance, who likes to be part of the meetings and discussions with Brussels politicians.

Please give us follwing personal data:

  1. your name
  2. your full address
  3. nationality
  4. birthday and -place
  5. number of your ID-card
  6. preferences of people, which you like to meet:
  • special politicians from our list you prefer to meet
  • special topics you're interested in (e.g. data retention, RFID, net neutrality, ACTA ...)

We need this information at latest until Saturday, 10 September 2011!

With that we try to build up schedules for the monday as best as we can. Please don't beat us, if not everything works perfect ...

Send these informations wether to info(at) (pgp) or - if you prefer - to Michael via micha(underline)ebeling(at)mail36(dot)net (pgp).

Very probably (because of so much work to do) we will not give any response - you just have to wait and see.

We promise to use that data trustfully and only for this one purpose. We will delete all incoming mails and its data after the weekend!



From European Parliament

  • Ismail Ertug
  • Matthias Groote
  • Eva Lichtenberger (RFID / PNR / Copyright)
  • Roberta Angelilli ( Censorship / #Censilia) - in LIBE meeting from 3-6pm
  • Monika Hohlmeier (Cyber-Security)
  • Catherine Trautmann (Net Neutrality / Three Strikes)
  • Maria Badia i Cutchet

From European Commission

  • Gerald Santucci (RFID)
  • Reinhard Priebe (Data Retention / PNR / SWIFT / Counter-Terrorism)
  • Marc Arno Hartwig (Cyber-Security)
  • Cecilia Verkleij (Data Retention / PNR / SWIFT)
  • Maria Martin Prat

From NGO's

  • Kostas Rossoglou (Data Protection)
  • David Hammerstein (ACTA)


From European Parliament

  • Jan Philipp Albrecht (for FoeBuD visitors and possibly some more, 9:00-10:00 - topic: everything)
  • Marietje Schaake (proposed time 13:00 - Internet in Arab Revolutions / Censorship)
  • Rui Tavares (11:30, at his office, topics: Data Protection / Data Retention / PNR / SWIFT)
  • Laurence Van De Walle (Cyber-Security, RFID)
  • Martin Ehrenhauser (PNR / SWIFT / Data Protection / Corruption) - offers to meet for a beer in the evening

From European Commission

  • Christian D'Cunha (Data Retention, 14:00-15:30)
  • Nicole Dewandre (proposed time 11:00-12:00, near metro-station "Beaulieu" or anywhere in the near of city-centre)
  • Werner Stengg (E-Commerce, during the morning)

From NGO's

  • Joe McNamee (everything)

Not able to come

From European Parliament

  • Martin Schulz (Data Retention / PNR / SWIFT) - ist den ganzen Tag in Berlin.
  • Alexander Alvaro (Data Retention / SWIFT) - ebenfalls den ganzen Tag in Berlin, aber bei der FSA dabei.
  • Cornelia Ernst (Data Protection / Data Retention / PNR / SWIFT) - ist in Dresden mit der kompletten Fraktion.
  • Sophie In't Veld (PNR / Counter-Terrorism)
  • Angelika Niebler
  • Claude Moraes (everything related to LIBE)
  • Birgit Sippel (Data Protection / PNR / SWIFT)
  • Philippe Juvin
  • Timothy Kirkhope (EU-PNR / PNR / Data Protection) - in LIBE meeting from 3-6pm
  • Axel Voss (Data Protection / PNR) -is MAYBE not available the whole day - in LIBE meeting from 3-6pm, offers the 20th
  • Lorena Boix-Alonso

From European Commission

  • Thomas Zerdick (Data Protection)
  • Cecilia Malmström (everything...)

From NGO's


Overview of available rooms

Room Location Max. population Time Organized by
Visitors room Paul Henry Spaak ca. 40 9:00 - 12:00 FoeBuD/Jan-Philip Albrecht
Conference room EU Commission ca. 40 ?? 13:00 - 17:00 ?? Detlev (FoeBuD)
EDRi near EU Commission ca. 15 all day? Joe McNamee
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung 15, rue d'Arlon, 1050 Brussels, Tel: +32/2/743 41 00 ca. 18-20 all day Detlev (FoeBuD)
Conference room European Parliament (ASP) 30 10:00 - 16:00 Martin Ehrenhauser

Sorting times and rooms ...

Slot Registration needed? Morning meetings Afternoon meetings
"Albrecht slot"
09h00-12h00 Parliament visitors room (PHS 4B49)
14h00-17h00 Commission conference room
responsible: Detlev from Foebud
Registration needed - 09h00-10h00: Jan-Philip Albrecht
- 10h00-10h30: EP Visitors' service (mandatory for the FoeBuD funding!)
- 10h30-11h30: Joe McNamee (EDRi)
- 14h00-15h30: Christian D'Cunha (need to be fixed)
- afterwards: another commission-member
"Ehrenhauser slot"
10h00-16h00 Parliament conference room (A1E201)
responsible: Alex from NoPNR
Registration needed - 09h30-10h30: Joe McNamee (EDRi)
- 11h30-12h30: Rui Tavares (need to be fixed)
- 14h00-15h00: Laurence Van de Walle (confirmed)
"Privacy slot"
09h00-17h00 Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung room
Rue d´Arlon, 15
room is at 2nd floor
responsible: Michael from AK Vorrat
No registration needed - 08h30: gathering together
- 09h30-10h30: Werner Stengg (confirmed)
- 10h30-11h30: Nicole Dewandre (confirmed)
- 11h30-12h30: Joe McNamee (EDRi)
- 13h00-14h00: Marietje Schaake (need to be fixed)