Freedom Not Fear 2008/Berlin de/Anreise Übernachtung

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Diese Wikiseite soll übersetzt werden. Ein Mitglied des Übersetzungsteams wird sich dessen annehmen.
This wiki-page shall be translated. A member of the translation team will look into it.
bitte auf deutsch übersetzen


  • Special bus lines:
    • A special bus will start in ??
  • How to arrive by car:
    • Anybody searching for a lift? Anybody with an empty seat in your car? Go ahead, have a look on the Hitchhiker's list (german) and/or leave your name there.
    • Or use this web site (german)
    • Parking next to the Brandenburger Tor both is a bad idea, and expensive. Find free a few parking lots on the Straße des 17. Juni.
    • Arrival with the tram (S-Bahn) preferred and recommended.
  • Anreise mit der Bahn:
    • Das Brandenburger Tor befindet sich ca. 2 km vom Hauptbahnhof entfernt und ist somit auch zu Fuß gut zu erreichen.
    • In der Mitfahrbörse des AK befinden sich auch Angebote und Gesuche für Bahn-Reisegruppen.
    • Angebote der Bahn:
      • Reiseauskunft der Bahn.
      • Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket: For a ticket billing 33 Euro (if bought via the internet or at a ticket machine) a maximum of 5 people can use any local train for one day all over germany. You can use the Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket also with in all transport services offered by BVG, i.e. busses, trams, underground (the local transport company in berlin).
      • Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket: A ticket similar to the Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket. Valid in Berlin and Brandenburg (the county sorrounding Berlin) only. Billing 26 Euro.
      • Gruppe&Spar: An offer for groups of six persons at least.
      • Dauer-Spezial: A current offer, prices depend on availability(starting at 29 Euro for a single ride).
    • Mitfahrzentrale für Bahn-Fahrer/innen.
  • Arrival with the bus:
    • Berlinlinienbus e.g. from Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Frankfurt/Main, Kiel, München, Rostock
    • Berlinlinie e.g. from Flensburg, Kiel, Lübeck and Hamburg


Private accomodation

Some Berlin Actionists offer private accomodations. You're welcome to add further offers.

Other accomodations

Some organizations offer some of the facilities as accomodations. Again, you're welcome to add offers.


Tentstation is the camping ground right within the heart of Berlin. Within the nature, and in walking distance - 5 minutes only - from the central station.