Stabile Version von „Freedom Not Fear 2009“

Aus Freiheit statt Angst!

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+++ All activities in an overview +++ Up-to-date Press Info +++ Call for action +++

Freedom Not Fear 2008
Project Freedom Not Fear 2009 - International action day for civil liberties; against mass-surveillance, mass-data retention
  • Ralf Bendrath,, +31-64-1081626


Press Info {{{PRESS-INFO}}}
Further Info
Help Organize a demonstration or other peaceful protest activity on 12 September 2009.
Cannot find your city in the List? Please setup a campaigning-site for it yourself or get in contact with us

Overview All participating european nations/cities at the action day 12 September 2009
Further Ressources
Fundings + Grants Please donate to the national coordinating organizations!
Mailinglist Mailinglist for coordination (please subscribe and ask for approval by mail to bendrath[at]!
Logo {{{LOGO}}}
fnf, fnf09

On 12 September 2009 we call for an international action day in as many European capital cities as possible and elsewhere around the world to demonstrate against the total retention of telecommunication data and other instruments of surveillance. We would like to recall the remembrance of the historical achievement of civil rights and liberties as a heritage of the Age of Enlightenment and to support the trust in security in our free society. Further information on last year's action day:

Cities – Overview

Activities were planned in the following European capitals that are marked with "(x)".
(More info? Please see below):

ISO Country Activity City
AT Austria Vienna
BE Belgium Brussels
BG Bulgaria Sofia
CZ Czech Republic Prague
DK Denmark Copenhagen
DE Germany x Berlin
ES Spain Madrid
ES Spain Barcelona
EE Estonia Tallinn
FI Finland Helsinki
FR France Paris
GCA Guatemala Guatemala
HU Hungary Budapest
IT Italy Rome
LU Luxemburg Luxembourg
MK Macedonia Skopje
NL Netherlands The Hague
NL Netherlands Amsterdam
SK Slovakia Bratislava
SW Sweden x Stockholm
CH Switzerland Zurich
UK United Kingdom London

Other countries participating:

ISO Country Activity City
AR Argentina Buenos Aires
EC Ecuador Manta
PE Peru Lima
US United States Washington
CAN Canada Quebec


To get in touch with the organizers of the national events and find out more, please take a look at the 2008 International actions overview.

Press / Radio

National contacts for the press can be found here., and others will hopefully again providing a radio stream on the very day.

Persönliche Werkzeuge
  • Hochladen
  • Spezialseiten