Freedom Not Fear 2013/Schedule

Aus Freiheit statt Angst!
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Schedule (Timetable)


Available Rooms

From Friday, 6pm, til Sunday evening:

  • cafeteria/lounge (level 0) - for lots of people
  • conference room (level -1) - up to 80..100 people
  • fair trade room (level -1) - up to 25..30 people
  • aquarium room (level 1) - up to 16..20 people
  • flora room (level 0) - up to 10 people


  • RED: Slots for meetings, workshops, lectures, discussions
  • GREEN: Plenary - coming together at the lounge
  • BLUE: Eating time
  • BLACK: anything else


Friday (27-Sep-2013)

time conference room
(max. 80 people)
fair trade room
(max. 25 people)
aquarium room
(max. 20 people)
flora room
(max. 10 people)
(a lot of people)
welcome and arriving time
(not available) (not available) (not available) (not available) coming together, open space
evening session
Keynote: What have we learned since Snowden and what does it mean for Data Protection? - Caspar Bowden (available) (available) (available) coming together, open space
night time
----- ----- ----- ----- coming together, open space

Saturday (28-Sep-2013)

time conference room
(max. 80 people)
fair trade room
(max. 25 people)
aquarium room
(max. 20 people)
flora room
(max. 10 people)
(a lot of people)
open time
----- ----- ----- ----- arriving, open space
----- ----- ----- ----- welcome plenary
(introducing, organizing ourselves)
morning session
(available) Workshop: Build your own surveillance camera (&tin foil hats) for the NSA observation walk in the afternoon Meeting International NoCCTV Working Group Avenues and roadblocks for Europeans to counter U.S. surveillance scandals (Ruddy) planning page open space for anything
lunch time
----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything
short session 1
(parallel to NSA observation walk 13:30-17:00!)
(available) (available) (available) (available) open space for anything
short session 2
(parallel to NSA observation walk 13:30-17:00!)
(available) (available) (available) (available) open space for anything
evening session
Restrict export of surveillance tech - State of play and options (Hauke, RWB) e-Health: One of the key projects to obtain a total surveillance society (Vrijbit) (available) (available) (available)
big meeting
----- ----- ----- ----- evening plenary
(first experiences, feedback, next steps)
supper time
----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything
night session
(available) CryptoParty (tbc) Facial recognition and biometrics (Johan) (available) open space for anything
the FNF night
----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything

Sunday (29-Sep-2013)

time conference room
(max. 80 people)
fair trade room
(max. 25 people)
aquarium room
(max. 20 people)
flora room
(max. 10 people)
(a lot of people)
open time
----- ----- ----- ----- arriving, open space
starting session
(available) Drones & Surveillance (Jedrek, Panoptykon) (available) (available) open space for anything
sunday meeting
----- ----- ----- ----- sunday plenary
(saying good morning to everybody, meeting, goodbye for some guests from outside)
lunch time
----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything
afternoon session
(available) Net neutrality - finally a legislative proposal for the EU... hang on...WTF?! (@lennarthuizing, @kirst3nf & @socialhack) RFID and Internet of Things by Digitalcourage (available) open space for anything
evening session
(available) - next steps for the eu data protection campaign (Javier, ORG; Ralf, DigiGes/EP) cctv - results of a belgian research on the effects of cctv - presented by the researchers themselves (Wim) (available) open space for anything
goodbye meeting
----- ----- ----- ----- goodbye plenary
(official closing of sessions, review, saying good-bye as a group)
supper time
----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything
fading out
----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything

Monday (30-Sep-2013)

Monday is reserved for meetings with politicians from parliament and commission on private initiative and organization.

Digitalcourage slot

Responsible: Dennis, for questions just mail to <enkode></enkode>

time meeting point (maybe subject to changes) meeting with ... topic
Meeting point 9:45
Visitor Entrance EU parliament Jan Philipp Albrecht et. al. Official Visit at the EU parliament
12:00 – 12:45, confirmed Parliament Raum ASP 7H1 Josef Weidenholzer (MEP, S&D) European Data Protection Reform
12:50 – 13:40. Parliament Raum ASP 7H1 Paul Nemitz, Thomas Zerdick, DG Justice European Data Protection Reform
14:30 Parliament Claude Moraes (MEP, S&D) Inquiry on NSA
15.00 Parliament EP Inquiry on NSA
rejected Parliament Florent Frederix (DG Justice) RFID
requested Parliament Dimitrios Droutsas (MEP, S&D) European Data Protection Reform (Directive)
requested Parliament Voss / Advisor (MEP, Liberals) European Data Protection Reform (Regulation)

Privacy slot

Responsible: Michael

time meeting point meeting with ... topic
11:15 - 12:00 Mundo B, Fair Trade room Peter Hunstinx Snowdens impact at EU authorities
14:00 - 15:00 Mundo B, Aquarium room Christian D'Cunha Data Retention
16:00 - 17:00 Office of Ms. Lochbihler (?) Barbara Lochbihler Surveillance and Combat Drones

More events on Monday

From 3 pm there will be a LIBE meeting in the parliament on the topic of Snowden's leaks.

This meeting is public, but space is limited.

For those who would like to participate in this hearing and still need to apply for entrance credentials to the European Parliament, please contact Kirsten (kirsten[dot]fiedler[edd]edri[dot]org) who is coordinating the application for people from FNF. (Thanks!) Please add following information: Name, address, date of birth and number of your ID card.

Outside events (overview)

day time name
Sa - 28 Sep ca. 13:30 - 17:00 Observation Walk (This is not a protest assembly!) Description: This is a research trip to the natural habitat of NSA agents (and related species). Please bring binoculars, cameras, tin foil hats etc to this safari to document our findings. We will meet at 13.30 in the cafeteria of the mundo-b.

Development of Monday meetings

Digitalcourage slot

Privacy slot

We like to organize (again) a special privacy slot for Monday, thay may be attended by everybody interested without any kind of application.

Graphical timeline

Preview without obligation, last update: 20 September 2013


Special: Drones

We think about including a meeting time/area for initiatives around the drones complex. It's not yet clear, if this will come true or not. But we already asked Ms. Ska Keller (EP) if she could spend some time for this topic at the weekend.

Mundo B house (overview)


Elevators for all levels are available just like toilets for people in wheel chairs.