DE/NoPNR-flyer EN/NoPNR-flyer FR/NoPNR-flyer
content (text)
A few facts about the "PNR"
A selection of passenger data transferred to the US:
-Name and address and e-mail address -Planned departure dates and itinerary -Payment, credit card number -Billing address and telephone numbers -Frequent flyer messages -Travel agent, processor and date of reservation -Information on the ticketing -"general" comments (particularly tricky and risky: This entry is designed as a free text field!) -Airline ticket and seat number -Complete information on baggage -Special service requirements such as food preferences
On 20 May 2011 the Commission achieved a draft agreement with the US: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2011/may/eu-usa-pnr-agreement-20-5-11-fin.pdf
These are in the new EU Directive on the registration of all European air passenger data stored data is (supposedly) will be deleted after five years again, after a first attempt for such a monitoring exercise in 2007 initially by strictly necessary 13 years data retention period said. The retention period of five years is arbitrary.
There were and still are the considerations in the context data to include all, even if Europeans travel by ship, ferry, bus or train. In some countries, train tickets are already personalised and you can be denied to travel if you don't show your ID.
What is it about?
Passenger Name Records (so-called PNR-data) will be collected by airlines and stored en masse, in order to increase the "service" for passengers and for promotional or marketing purposes.
Due to great pressure from the United States, the European Union decided in 2007 the transfer of passenger data to the United States of America. And to Canada and Australia, these data are reported. The terms of this agreement are currently being renegotiated (USA-PNR).
U.S. government is forcing european airlines to transmit the data to the Department of Homeland Security. Even in cases in which U.S. soil is never entered.
The justification for the event-free storage of the data of all passengers is - as always - the fight against terrorism.
In addition, the European Commissioner inner Malmström on 02/02/2011 Proposal for a further, additional EU Directive introduced the, after a Europe-wide system for recording and storing the data of all passenger flights in Europe is to be created for the (EU-PNR).
On the effectiveness of this measure, there is no reasonable investigation. In addition, we see great concerns about any treatment and storage of these data, and the great danger of drastic consequences for innocent people.
A concomitant restriction of freedom of travel damages the free development of individuals and their society.
Editor of this sheet:
German working group on data retention, local group Hannover Stand: March 2011 http://wiki.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de/Hannover
Part of this flyer come - with permission - from www.nopnr.org - Thanks!
Information on the german working group on data retention: www.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de
Responsible: Michael Ebeling, Kochstrasse 6, 30451 Hannover, Germany, <enkode>micha_ebeling@mx.de</enkode>
This flyer is available under Creative Commons License: by-nc-nd
Passenger data retention
About passenger data retention, risk analysis and the value of freedom of movement
Our concerns, our criticism
An airline passenger data collection is an unacceptable data retention, the retention of a generalized data on all passengers out, without any concrete suspicion against the people there. The benefit of the entire operation is highly doubtful. In any case, there was as yet no evidence and no investigation as to whether and what meaning to combat these crimes can measure. An objective and independent investigation, however, and the evaluation of those results must be the basis for such a far-reaching limitation of fundamental rights. There can be many questionable conclusions about the private life (religion, sexuality, lifestyle habits) for the control of state authorities withdraw. The data can, for doubtful and error-prone profiling can be used. An accompanying dragnet investigation should be used only in individual cases, following decision by the german Federal Constitutional Court . The private data is collected by private airlines, the accuracy of the data is therefore can not to be verified. Threaten misjudgments and assessments, drastic consequences are possible. The privacy standards in the U.S. and other third countries are far below those of the EU. There is no fundamental right to informational self-determination there do not make requests for information to be difficult or impossible (concerning US PNR). The definition of the crime, the defense or prosecution investigator to the passenger data to be able to access, is the rather broad terms to the EU arrest warrant attached the. Including not only crimes of organized crime, child pornography or manslaughter fall as well as computer crime, fraud and counterfeiting and piracy. It was originally intended to go but only to combat terrorism (concerning EU-PNR). A necessary adequate fencing for the processing of the data has been passed is not yet apparent. While it is expected to dispense with the so-called "pull method" in favor of "push" techniques, that is, the data is transmitted only upon request. However, there is concern that a disproportionate amount in legal use is made of this (concerning EU-PNR).
The right to freedom of movement
The existing and planned new PNR measures restrict the free movement of people.
Just as today some people do not travel more in the U.S. because they are not the U.S. authorities of their data and their fingerprints to entrust so could result in a wide-ranging collection of data on all passengers like restrictions on the freedom of travel.
Mistakes, incorrect data bases, "Precautions" and the oppressive feeling of being in all his travels and movements, including recorded and monitored independently suspected harmful to the people, narrows our freedom and prevent international exchange and important meetings across all boundaries.
We see this as a threat to a free, innovative and lively development of our society and the limitation of the international exchange of thoughts and ideas as well as cross-border projects.
And what say others?
Austrian-critical data protection experts have founded the group NoPNR! - No data on the death penalty.
NoPNR declared a task out-of PNR data to third countries:
"Under these circumstances we demand that the EU may give no PNR data to third countries in cases of providing for imposition of the death penalty! With the new PNR agreement, however, the possibility that the EU data provided by criminal sanctions, and the death penalty cause. The death penalty is, however, violation of elementary human rights is one - the violation of the right to life. No legal system in the world can guarantee absolute accuracy. Any miscarriage of justice in imposing the death penalty is therefore irreversible."
Source: http://www.nopnr.org/ The recognized Freiburg Centre for European Policy (CEP) is found in an assessment of the proposed European directive on passenger data storage (EU-PNR) in March 2011 to a devastating result:
The Think Thank withdrawal demands of the proposed directive. With the planned passenger data analysis would violate the fundamental right to privacy and the principle of subsidiarity. The usefulness of the evaluation must also be questioned. CEP also warns against a total monitoring of tourism: "The Commission must accept that there is complete protection against serious crime and terrorism is not one. This would at best be an all-encompassing surveillance state to have a price."
Source: http://www.cep.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/Kurzanalysen/Fluggastdaten/KA_Fluggastdatensaetze.pdf
The German Federal Council judges the initiative of the European Commission to collect and evaluate of air passenger data for EU-PNR as immature. There were "serious concerns" about the draft directive, said in a statement adopted on 18/03/2011. Issues in the need to secure a "maximum degree of privacy" remained open. The upper house considers it a "comprehensive constitutional review of passenger data" approach is necessary.
The EU Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustinx has extensive improvements to the EU Commission outlined the new bases for the transfer of air passenger data to third countries favor. This would mean, the conditions for the collection and processing of air passenger data "significantly restricted".
Of particular concern is that the personal information of travelers on risk assessment and profiling will be used.