Freedom Not Fear 2015/Schedule

Aus Freiheit statt Angst!
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Schedule (Timetable)

Color explanation

  • RED: Slots for meetings, workshops, lectures, discussions
  • GREEN: Plenary - gathering in the lounge
  • BLUE: Breaks! Time to eat!
 Different than in previous years, the "Kamilou" cafeteria within the Mundo B will be open for us!
  • BLACK: other stuff


Thursday (15-Oct-2015)

On Thursday, the Belgian Ligue for Human Rights holds the Belgian Big Brother Award Ceremony. The event will consist of one key note speech (probably in English) and several "privacy salons" that will be held parallely. EDRi will organise one of these "salons" on the topic of air passenger surveillance (PNR). More information:

19:00 Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg

Friday (16-Oct-2015)

time conference room
(80 people)
fair trade room
(25 people)
aquarium room
(20 people)
flora room
(10 people)
fauna room
(8 people)
welcome and arriving time
(available) (not available) (not available) (not available) On air in the bib room (-1): Source (RadioCampus)
evening session
Keynote by Wojciech Wiewiórowski "Pros and Cons of the New Legal Framework for Data Protection. Opening of the New Era v. Same Old Story" (EDPS, Assistant Supervisor) (available) (available) (available) coming together, open space
night time
Round of Q&A, Moderator: Jennifer Baker (aka Brussels Geek) ----- ----- ----- coming together, open space

Saturday (17-Oct-2015)

time conference room
aquarium room
urban room
lotus (20)
open time
----- ----- ----- -----
Kick-off plenary
Plenary Plenary Plenary Plenary
morning session
Pretty Easy Privacy (cafeteria) Brussels Bubble for Dummies (Walter van Holst & Lorenz) Free and open Internet? Become a part of the net with an "Internet Cube" Check out the slides here and here -----
after lunch
afternoon session
Optional outdoor activity: Trade agreement protest ---- -----
afternoon session II
MOVED TO SUNDAY: Data Protection Reform - the final countdown (Ralf Bendrath) Data retention in the member states - How do we fight the Zombies? (anna) Teach the Cryptoparty/Privacycafé-teacher: guided discussion on how to organise those privacy-enhancing tech-events (cafeteria?) ----
evening session
Net neutrality - 2nd plenary to the rescue (Thomas Lohninger) Trade Agreements and the Net (Ralf Bendrath, Gaelle Krikorian, Estelle Massé, Maryant Fernandez-Perez) Lightning talks: "Our projects/initiatives and campaigns - short introductions" (cafeteria) after: Short meeting of the EDRi visitor group for important logistical issues (at 18:45, duration: 15 min) -----
supper time
evening plenary evening plenary evening plenary evening plenary
night session
Teaser (10 min.): Exclusive FNF edition for the documentary "DEMOCRACY - IM Rausch der Daten" (DE/EN with EN subtitles) EDRi privacy party at London Calling with Beats and Pizza ----- -----
the FNF night
EDRi privacy party at London Calling with Beats and Pizza ----- ----- -----

Sunday (18-Oct-2015)

time conference room
fair trade room
aquarium room
urban room
open time
----- ----- ----- -----
sunday meeting (plenary)
----- ----- ----- -----
starting session
data security theory & reality (Tobias) Bon voyage, privacy: a workshop on PNR, Smart Borders and what you can do (Access, more tba) Future of FNF (anna) -----
sunday meeting (plenary)
----- ----- ----- -----
lunch time
----- ----- CANCELED: Net neutrality demonstration in front of telco headquarter -----
afternoon session I
Data protection reform: The final countdown (Ralf Bendrath) Attack on free software on radio devices Lightning Talks: Present your project/campaign/initiative
afternoon session II
Preparation of Monday meetings: MEPs CVs and topics (Kirsten, Anna) Pad for meetings Copyright reform: the geoblocking panorama (Walter van Holst) WeMove.EU presentation of a new European Online Campaigning organisation + discussions on important topics for them to cover
evening session
Intermediate PGP and OTR, what they didn't tell you at your last cryptoparty (stef) - slides of the presentation (.pdf) Schrems vs. Facebook: How to use Safe Harbor for a comprehensive case against national mass surveillance practices (Thomas Ruddy, Lennart Huizing) Fundraising challenges and exchange of best practices (Alex, Kirsten) --> for mailing list subscription contact kirsten.fiedler(at)
goodbye meeting (plenary in cafeteria)
(18:30-19:30) ----- ----- -----
supper time
----- ----- -----
fading out - cleaning!
----- ----- ----- -----

Monday (19-Oct-2015)

Monday is reserved for meetings with politicians from the Parliament and Commission staff on your own initiative. However, we have managed to get hold of some Members of the European Parliament, but the space is limited:

Anna's mobile number: +49 151 4124 3989

preparation pad for reimon/in't veld/ernst/schwab meetings

Please let us know if you wish to participate in any of the following meetings: [[1]]

  • Günther Oettinger, 10:30-11:00 am, at his offices, organizing person: Friedemann
  • Reimon 13:00 (lunch) meeting point: Rue Wiertz entrance. 12:50(!)
  • Sophie in't Veld, 2 pm, ~8 ppl, organizing person: (Anna) Walther, meeting point: in front of the Accreditation Center European Parliament
  • Anna Buchta, 2 pm – 3.30 pm, main EU parliament building, Room 4B46 (visitor area), confirmed, topics: Safe Habour & GDPR organizing person: Friedemann
  • potentially free slot from 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm in Room 4B46 (visitor area) main EU parliament building contact: Friedemann
  • Cornelia Ernst (GUE), 4.30 pm, ~8 ppl, organizing person: Anna meeting point mickey mouse bar
  • Andreas Schwab (EPP), 5 pm, ~8 ppl, organizing person: Anna, meeting point ASP 15 E 205
  • Marju Lauristin (S&D), pending, organizing person: Friedemann
  • Viviane Reding (TiSa and TTIP), not in Brussels during FnF, organizing person: Friedemann
  • MEP Michał Boni, is potentially interested, organizing person: Friedemann
  • MEP Nathalie GRIESBECK, is potentially interested, organizing person: Friedemann

Digitalcourage & EDRi members slot

Digitalcourage organized a group visit at the European Parliament, which is mandatory in order to receive the travel allowance. We will meet at 11:00 h at the visitor center of the European Parliament!

Responsible: Detlev, for questions just mail to <enkode></enkode>

EDRi's visitor group also meets at 11:00 h at the main entrance of the European Parliament! Please contact Kirsten for questions: kirsten(dot)<enkode></enkode> or +32474171130

Other events

Graphical timeline

Mundo B house (overview)


Elevators for all levels are available as are toilets for people in wheel chairs.