Press release 12.9. 10:12

Aus Freiheit statt Angst!
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Press release: demonstration "Freiheit statt Angst"

At 3 pm starts the demonstration "Freedom not Fear" ("Freiheit statt Angst") at Berlin Potsdamer Platz. The Team started its work already this morning. The demonstration is organised by a broad alliance of 167 organisations, belonging to the civil society, workers unions, lawyer associations, journalists and political parties.

The demonstration starts at 3 pm. from Potsdamer Platz with an assembly with speakers from different organisations, like Dr. Thilo Weichert, data protection officer of the state of Schleswig-Holstein und Frank Bsirske, chairman of ver.di.

Around 3.30 pm the demonstration will start and take the following route: Potsdamer Platz to Ebert- and Behrendstraße, Unter den Linden, Bebelplatz, Französische Straße back to Potsdamer Platz. At Potsdamer Platz we will have around 6 pm again an assembly and bands.

The next presse releases will be published at 1 pm, 4.30 pm and 8 pm. We will publish the number of participants in the press release at 4.30 pm. The information desk for the press is behind the stage.

Notification: The demonstration starting at 1 pm from Alexanderplatz is not part of our alliance ("Freiheit statt Angst"). The actual demonstration is the one starting a 3 pm from Potsdamer Platz. The other one is a small assembly of some single organisations. In the contrast to wrong informations, Petra Pau (DIE LINKE) will not speak at our assemblies. She will speak at the demonstration which will start at Alexander Platz.

Contact Persons are: Rena Tangens and Oliver Brinkmann

Info zur Demo:"