Declaration29: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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My dad has been writing a book precisely on point with this blog, I have emailed him the web address so perhaps he could pick up a couple pointers. Fantastic Job.
My dad has been writing a book precisely on point with this blog, I have emailed him the web address so perhaps he could pick up a couple pointers. Fantastic Job.
==Motti mail==
ccWLHb IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of things like that?
The author of the declaration sent the following [ e-mail] on 17 June to MEPs "clarifying" his proposed declaration:
To the Members of the
European Parliament
Important: clarification on Written declaration 29
Dear Colleague,
Written Declaration 29 is receiving high consensus. Nevertheless, I would like to clarify one
paragraph of the text of the Written Declaration 29, related to "search engines".
Written declaration 29, still respecting citizen right to privacy, has the target of creating an
European Early Warning System in order to make paedophiles punishable when found
guilty of using the Internet to lure children and to upload sexual children related content;
Furthermore, this initiative calls the Council and the Commission to extend Directive
2006/24 CE, known as the "Data Detention Directive", to the internet users who upload
contents, images and videos portraying abuses on children in Internet platforms (such as
user generated contents websites).<br>
'''There is no intention to extend this Directive to the same search engines for internet
users looking for any other kind of topic.'''
For the sake of avoiding technicalities, I have simply indicated in the text of the Declaration
the wording "search engines", but it is in no way aiming or identifying the willingness of
including "any research made through the search engines". On the contrary: the declaration
has the '''only objective''' to persecute '''children related pornography and sexual harassment''' online. '''Again, not any research made through search engines.'''
Whereas Written Declaration is a not a legislative act, I wish that Written Declaration n.29
hits the target of being approved and may become simply a base of discussion in future in
order to promote better protection of children rights still by guarantying every citizen right to
I will be more than happy to be at your full disposal for any further clarification and I thank
you in advance for your appreciated and wide adhesion to this initiative.
Best regards
Tiziano Motti
<i>Comment: This is contrary to the wording of the Declaration and wrong.</i>
==Pro declaration lobbying==
==Pro declaration lobbying==

Version vom 10. April 2011, 19:16 Uhr

A group of members of European Parliament is collecting signatures for a Written Declaration that reads: "The European Parliament [...] Asks the Council and the Commission to implement Directive 2006/24/EC and extend it to search engines in order to tackle online child pornography and sex offending rapidly and effectively".

The Data Retention Directive 2006/24/EC requires that details on every telephone call, text message, e-mail and Internet connection be recorded for months, for the entire population, in the absence of any suspicion. As to what is wrong with data retention please refer to DRletter. The Written Declaration even wants to extend data retention to search engines, meaning that your search terms could be tracked for months back.

The proposed declaration has been signed by 371 MEPs (list of names here) - and thus reached the 368 members needed to pass it. Many MEPs signed because of the title of the document ("setting up a European early warning system (EWS) for paedophiles and sex offenders"), not knowing that they are endorsing blanket data retention as well. More than 30 MEPs decided to withdraw their signature, one even on the day of adoption.

Hey, Kelly here. There is reason to think that your blog can become very popular if it's not already... I am very good at finding an up and coming blog, since I've worked in this field for a while and I think that if you keep at it you'll definitely start seeing a lot of visitors and potentially income from your blog, keep it up!

My dad has been writing a book precisely on point with this blog, I have emailed him the web address so perhaps he could pick up a couple pointers. Fantastic Job.

ccWLHb IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of things like that?

Pro declaration lobbying

The EP is cluttered with posters, flyers and pamphlets. Photos:

See also