Freedom Not Fear 2016

Aus Freiheit statt Angst!

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Friedemann-DC (Diskussion | Beiträge)
(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: <center>'''This is the page to co-ordinate the European Freedom not Fear weekend in Brussels from 14th till 17th October 2015.'''</center> ===Important: Helpers wante...)
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Version vom 09:49, 20. Jul. 2016

This is the page to co-ordinate the European Freedom not Fear weekend in Brussels from 14th till 17th October 2015.

Important: Helpers wanted!

Please add yourself if you are interested to help us out!

Name Contact How I could help Which role I like to play
Friedemann Organise Monday meetings & keynote speaker(s), organise workshops/talks / help welcome! Orga
you! …mail …task …role
you!Dennis …mail …task
you! …mail …task …role


Join us: Freedom not Fear 2015

European policy-making is increasingly affecting national laws, decisions taken in Brussels impact our every-day lives. The EU is also increasingly passing disproportionate governmental surveillance measures. Therefore, the Freedom not Fear conference in Brussels is a place where civil rights activists can meet to discuss change.

Therefore we invite you to join us for about three days of

  • discussions
  • networking
  • protest
  • meetings with politicians


"Freedom not fear 2015 - Defending fundamental rights in our networked world"

We say NO to surveillance, data retention and PNR and demand the respect of our fundamental rights in the digital environment.

Full list of demands from 2014

Costs and application

Freedom Not Fear Brussels (FNF) is for free and you don't have to register - just come, join and participate!

FNF Brussels is non-profit, non-commercial and mainly driven/coordinated by individual volunteers who are working for free.

But FNF Brussels will only become what you make of it. It lives from personal participation and engagement ... and would die, if there were none of that.

When and where?


From 16th - 19th October 2015 (Friday till Monday).

We are starting on Friday evening.

The official ending of the meeting shall be on Sunday evening, but there will be some more "action" on Monday, October 19th, as some people want to organize some meetings with people from the EU Commission and Parliament.


FNF 2015 will again take place at the "Mundo B" at Rue d'Edimbourg 26, where we had some wonderful days at Freedom not fear 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.

It's the home of some non-governmental organisations and a very lovely place with lots of space for our meeting.

More international events beside Brussels

Thanks to the Metamorphosis Foundation, the initiative Freedom not Fear has been present in Macedonia since 2008, and this year, the coalition "Citizens of Macedonia" is also joining as a partner.

The two organisations will organize a number of activities, including a workshop on the safe use of mobile phones. Before the training, the same day, October 19, from 11 to 13:30 h GEM club will hold a debate on security threats from communications and monitoring and surveillance of communications.


The international mailing list is for those who'd like to take part in discussions about all topics of "digital rights" all over Europe.

But you can contact us also via E-mail and Twitter.

Mailing list

The international AK Vorrat mailing list is being used to talk about everything that needs to be discussed concerning "Freedom Not Fear". The list is open to everyone, the list language is English. Please insert the tag [FNF] into the subject-line of any e-mail to make clear that its content belongs to this topic.


Contact via e-mail:


There is a blog for the international event of Freedom not fear:

Press contact

Please contact us at


FNF wouldn't work without all the organizations supporting us! Thanks to all of you!


We would like to offer time & space to exchange thoughts and concerns directly. As we believe, networking beyond borders is becoming more and more important; therefore this "event" shall provide an opportunity to get citizen initiatives from different countries together.

We will thus have four days of "Freedom not fear" in Brussels:

  • 16th Oct 2015 (Friday): Arriving, first meeting
  • 17th Oct 2015 (Saturday): Slots of networking, lectures and workshops
  • 18th Oct 2015 (Sunday): Slots of networking, lectures and workshops, outside action
  • 19th Oct 2015 (Monday): Meetings with politicians (self-organized!)

Schedule (timetable)

We will develop the schedule of Freedom not Fear 2015 together. There will be space for spontaneous session as well as for pre-organised ones. If you have an idea, mention it here!


What's going on these days?

Proposed topics

Confirmed topics



Travelling and accommodation

Generally, accommodation has to be organized autonomously. But there is the option to stay at an organized mass accomodation or participate in an organized trip.

Mass accommodation

We are searching for a person willing to take care of the mass accomodation organizing.

Digitalcourage planned trip

Many thanks to MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht for supporting us with his visitors allotment: We (Digitalcourage) made some travel arrangements for people from all over europe, who otherwise coudln't afford the trip and the accomodation. See here for further details and registrations! (unfortunately, completely booked out...)



Persönliche Werkzeuge
AK Vorrat