Freedom Not Fear 2010/International actions overview
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Version vom 4. August 2010, 15:00 Uhr von Wir speichern nicht! (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: <div style="float: right; margin-left: 1em;"> {{FNF10|International actions overview}} __TOC__ </div> Here you can find the overview about all upcoming international ac...)
Here you can find the overview about all upcoming international actions and their corresponding contacts.
- Press_center in Berlin
- Ralf Bendrath, bendrathFehler beim Erstellen des Vorschaubildes: Die Miniaturansicht konnte nicht am vorgesehenen Ort gespeichert
Local organizers and media contacts
- director of organisation: contact person for interested people, organizations, allied and co-operational partners
- media relations officer: contact person for press, media and responsible for link to central press office
We are looking for local press account executives! There should be at least one local media relations officer and one director of organization in every participating city (this can be one and the same person but task sharing is more convenient). Please enter the ones responsible for each city and list email address and phone number.
Director of organisation: name, email, phone
Media relations officer: name, email, phone
Type of event: solemn vigil/demonstration/art event/flashmob/political rally/barbecue/party/information desk/...
Place: exact description/address, map link (if possible)
Time: from ... to ...
Planning page: CITY
Details: ...
Call for action, Press releases: (Links...)
Press conference: ...
Media sharing: (Twitter, YouTube, Flickr...)