Freedom Not Fear 2011/Brussels/feedback
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Version vom 21. September 2011, 10:23 Uhr von Wir speichern nicht! (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Feedback on the weekend as collected on the pad :
I liked:
* plenty of things to eat and drink on sunday * cool place sunday +5 * the atmosphere +4 really constructive * having the "walk of protest" into brussels city +4 * hand-out-flyers ready (multilingual! very useful) +2 * meeting so much friendly, interesting people and getting connected to each other +6 * familiar atmosphere, not being thousands but some few ten's of people +5 * 2-hour-slots on sunday instead of 1-hour-slots +1 * the email list being open to anybody+1 * the workshops on sunday (so many great ideas) +4 * getting the energy you need to keep going +2 (meeting so awesome people is really motivating!) * the idea that this was "only" the first time - so next time will get even better +1 * the three parts: protesting, networking and discussing+3 * different kinds of activists +2 * congrats to the (small) group that organised all of this +1338 :) * having the "walk of protest" on the "no cars day", brussels is a mess when there are cars everywhere (the walk was on Sat, cars-free-day was in fact on Sun during our barcamp) * having 3 boxes of club mate, being imported from germany with car by friendly guys * i discovered club-mate :p
I disliked:
* to see my face in a german newspaper :p * to see my face in the wiki * that it was a bit hard to hear the speaker during the manifestation [pls specify,what can we do better
(add to / see "Proposals for the next time" below)] <- don't have the required knowledge for that
* number plates of loudspeaker car on twitterpics * hard and difficult organisation of "day of discussion" -> next time without that being organized by core team, instead to be
done by people on their own
* no waste separation +1 * pirates putting themselves in the front of demonstration, using their flags, being unpolite after
having too much drinks ... :|+4
* the planning wasn't on the flyers * people shouting things in german * too much one- or two-people centered/dominated end of sunday (sorry, I think this goes to me)
(more to me and i wrote it by myself, being aware, that my arrogance always comes out again, when i am having to much "power" ... :( -michael.)
* belgian people was very minoritary, this is a shame +4 surely something to work on for next time * having the workshop day on the "no cars day", which made it difficult for some to attend * maybe using the green colour for the ballons can confuse by giving the impression it was a Green/ecolo event (but: the baloons were a free gift from the berlin-demonstration the week before - we had no influence on that) * missing time for preparing the meetings on monday * too weak coordination with other european organisations, from belgium or from outside belgium (missing structural support from big ngo's/edri - we tried to get connected to lots of ngo's but very often we heard something like: dont go demonstrating to brussels if you are not enough people - that will bring bad media, fearing this we will not share that ...)+1 * not having the possibility to meet again after end of day of discussion +2 * not using the mailinglist to give resonance/personal impressions of the weekend and the day of discussion in order to share experiences and to make it better next time +1 * little bad atmosphere on mailinglist afterwards the weekend - was it that bad? - why losing our energy in structural discussions too much ...? * getting a bit confused about seeing internal (?) AK discussions on the mailing list after the weekend * speaker on the protestation day were reading there text way too much * not enough club mate :) +1 * 2-hour-slots on sunday instead of 1-hour-slots * being considered as a suspected terrorist by the police during the demonstration :/ (i mean that's the impression i felt, our peaceful walk seemed to be considered like a meeting of dangerous people) (maybe this is a stupid comment and that police reacts the same way everywhere ? i don't know)
We need:
* a song :) +2 * more sleep ;-) * another solution for free accomodation * a nyanyancat gigantic banner * more activists from other countries indeed missed "some countries" (e.g. not many french activists)+2 * structure apart from the mailing list to stay in contact/organize things * more activits not only reading the mailinglist but putting life in it +2 * more belgian people and ngo's involved in the demo and general weekend +4 (we really sucked on that point --alct) * better press communication +2 * more people supporting organization of this event +1
Proposals for the next time:
* two days of barcamp (saturday + sunday) instead only one, having a small but fine demonstration on saturday afternoon (concept is being proven every year at ccc-camp berlin as good) +5 * friday : protest; saturday and sunday: barcamp + collective event after 8PM; monday: lobbying at the EP/EC; [and a place to sleep all together during the whole FNF] * fixing the date much more earlier to make it easier for people to plan (and to get more belgians in) +2 * more work to be done on media+1 * not fnf at the "day of mobility" * better structural/organisational support for people coming from outside (plans of metro/bus-system) +2 * workshop: how-to-lobby? +1 * workshop: how-does-eu-work? +1 * workshop: how to contribute to the wiki * trying to fix the schedule for the barcamp before the weekend * press / communications group ? +1 * a clear message in advance, that there should be no use of flags or signs with political-party-signs in it including the strong appeal, to keep political party interests in the backgroud (for the ongoing days of freedom not fear).