Freedom Not Fear 2012/Schedule

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Fehler beim Erstellen des Vorschaubildes: Die Miniaturansicht konnte nicht am vorgesehenen Ort gespeichert werden

Schedule (Timetable)


  • RED: Slots for meetings, workshops, lectures, discussions
  • GREEN: Plenum - coming together at the lounge
  • BLUE: Eating time
  • BLACK: anything else

Friday (14-Sep-2012)

time fair trade room
(max. 25 people)
aquarium room
(max. 16 people)
urban room
(max. 14 people)
basement room 1
(max. 10 people)
basement room 2
(max. 10 people)
(a lot of people)
friday welcome time
(free to use from 14:30) ----- ----- ----- ----- coming together, open space
evening session
coming together, open space ----- P3 - paperbag potatoe printing
design your personal exciting tool
against CCTV surveillance (michael)
----- ----- -----
night time
coming together, open space ----- (free to use) ----- ----- -----

Saturday (15-Sep-2012)

time fair trade room
(max. 25 people)
aquarium room
(max. 16 people)
urban room
(max. 14 people)
basement room 1
(max. 10 people)
basement room 2
(max. 10 people)
(a lot of people)
open time
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- arriving, open space
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- welcome plenum
(introducing, organizing ourselves)
morning session
Facial recognition - an update of technologie & intended roadmap to biometric identification systems (Vrijbit) (free to use) (free to use) (free to use) (free to use) open space for anything
lunch time
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything
afternoon session
(free to use) Spot the cam: camspotting activity & brainstrom (Liga voor Mensenrechten & (free to use) (free to use) (free to use) open space for anything
evening session
EU Data Protection Regulation: State of play (Ralf) (free to use) (free to use) (free to use) (free to use) open space for anything
big meeting
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- evening plenum
(first experiences, feedback, next steps)
supper time
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything
night session
EU Data Protection Regulation: Time for action (Ralf) (free to use) NoCCTV working group meeting (free to use) (free to use) open space for anything
the FNF night
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything

Sunday (16-Sep-2012)

time fair trade room
(max. 25 people)
aquarium room
(max. 16 people)
urban room
(max. 14 people)
basement room 1
(max. 10 people)
basement room 2
(max. 10 people)
(a lot of people)
open time
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- arriving, open space
starting session
(free to use) (free to use) (free to use) (free to use) (free to use) open space for anything
sunday meeting
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- sunday plenum
(saying good morning to everybody, meeting, goodbye for some guests from outside)
lunch time
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything
afternoon session
Surveillance at mega-events (Kasia, EDRi) (free to use) Digging for the roots (AK Vorrat - german working group on data retention - contact: dont_panic at (free to use) (free to use) open space for anything
evening session
CCTV in Belgium: Film & discussions (Constant) EU institutions, current dossiers & how to lobby and what tools to use (Bram, Kirsten) (free to use) (free to use) (free to use) open space for anything
goodbye meeting
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- goodbye plenum
(official closing of sessions, review, saying good-bye as a group)
supper time
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything
fading out
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- open space for anything

Monday (17-Sep-2012)

Monday is reserved for meetings with politicians from parliament and commission on private initiative and organization.


It would be fine if some people offer others to join their date(s) - here's place to mention these occasions:

  • ...

Graphical timelines

Preview without obligation, last update: 29-Aug-2012
