Freedom Not Fear 2012/Schedule
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Schedule (Timetable)
Fehler beim Erstellen des Vorschaubildes: Die Miniaturansicht konnte nicht am vorgesehenen Ort gespeichert werden
Available Rooms
- cafeteria/lounge (level 0) - for lots of people
- fair trade room (level -1) - up to 25..30 people
- aquarium room (level 1) - up to 16..20 people
- urban room (level 3) - up to 15 people
- flora room 1 (level 0) - up to 10 people
- fauna room 2 (level 0) - up to 10 people
In case of much more people than expected there are one or two more rooms available. :)
- RED: Slots for meetings, workshops, lectures, discussions
- GREEN: Plenary - coming together at the lounge
- BLUE: Eating time
- BLACK: anything else
Friday (14-Sep-2012)
time | fair trade room (max. 25 people) |
aquarium room (max. 16 people) |
urban room (max. 15 people) |
flora room (max. 10 people) |
fauna room (max. 10 people) |
lounge (a lot of people) |
friday welcome time (13:00-xx:xx) |
(free to use from 14:30) | ----- | (free to use from 13:00) | ----- | ----- | coming together, open space |
afternoon session (16:00-18:00) |
Meeting with Mr. Stengg | ----- | (free to use) | ----- | ----- | coming together, open space |
evening session (18:00-20:00) |
Meeting with Mr. Hustinx | ----- | (free to use) | ----- | ----- | coming together, open space |
night time (20:00-xx:xx) |
coming together, open space | ----- | (free to use) | ----- | ----- | London calling etc. |
Saturday (15-Sep-2012)
time | fair trade room (max. 25 people) |
aquarium room (max. 16 people) |
urban room (max. 15 people) |
flora room (max. 10 people) |
fauna room (max. 10 people) |
lounge (a lot of people) |
open time (09:00-10:00) |
----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | arriving, open space |
starting (10:00-11:00) |
----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | welcome plenary (introducing, organizing ourselves) |
morning session (11:00-12:30) walk of protest (11:00 - 13:00) |
(free to use) | (free to use) | (free to use) | (free to use) | (free to use) | open space for anything |
lunch time (12:30-14:00) |
----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | open space for anything |
afternoon session (14:00-16:00) |
Surveillance of EU Borders (Ralf Bendrath / Stefanie Sifft) | Facial recognition - an update of technologie & intended roadmap to biometric identification systems (Vrijbit) | Spot the cam: camspotting activity & brainstrom (Liga voor Mensenrechten & | (free to use) | (free to use) | open space for anything |
evening session (16:30-18:00) |
(free to use) | NoPNR (EU-PNR, state of play, campaigning; Alex | (free to use) | (free to use) | (free to use) | European Citizens' Initiative – Discussing & organizing a campaign against Data Retention, according to European Right (organized by Patrick & FoeBuD) |
big meeting (18:00-18:45) |
----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | evening plenary (first experiences, feedback, next steps) |
supper time (18:45-20:00) |
----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | open space for anything |
night session (20:00-22:00) |
Surveillance at mega-events (Kasia, EDRi) | Net neutrality in Europe and national campaigns (Thomas, Kirsten) | Tor - surfing anonymously - introduction and workshop for beginners and experts | (free to use) | (free to use) | open space for anything |
the FNF night (22:00-xx:xx) |
----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | Build your own RFID zapper - workshop + P3 - paperbag potatoe printing (michael) |
Sunday (16-Sep-2012)
time | fair trade room (max. 25 people) |
aquarium room (max. 16 people) |
urban room (max. 15 people) |
flora room (max. 10 people) |
fauna room (max. 10 people) |
lounge (a lot of people) |
open time (09:00-11:00) |
----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | arriving, open space |
starting session (11:00-12:30) |
EU Data Protection Reform: State of play (MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht / Ralf Bendrath) | NoCCTV working group meeting | 'smart' meter, sneaky peeping: Workshop about the registration and profiling possibilities of 'smart' meters for electricity gas and water supply (Vrijbit) | (free to use) | (free to use) | open space for anything |
sunday meeting (12:30-13:00) |
----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | sunday plenary (saying good morning to everybody, meeting, goodbye for some guests from outside) |
lunch time (13:00-14:00) |
----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | open space for anything |
afternoon session (14:30-16:30) |
preparing monday meetings | Access for Rights: Using the Right to Information across Europe and internationally to defend human rights and civil liberties. Practical training, presentation and workshop by Access Info Europe. | Digging for the roots - Presentation and workshop about using ontologies to uncover the causes for governmental surveillance (AK Vorrat Münster - german working group on data retention - contact: dont_panic at | (free to use) | (free to use) | open space for anything |
evening session (16:30-18:00) |
How does CCTV affect society: Film & discussions (Datapanik/Constant) | EU institutions & how to lobby and what tools to use (Bram, Kirsten) | Drones, UAV's etc. | (free to use) | (free to use) | Keysigning! Put your fingerprints in and come by! (ilf) |
goodbye meeting (18:00-19:00) |
----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | goodbye plenary (official closing of sessions, review, saying good-bye as a group) |
supper time (19:00-20:00) |
----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | European citizens initiative against data retention - next steps |
fading out (20:00-xx:xx) |
preparing monday meetings | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | open space for anything |
Monday (17-Sep-2012)
Monday is reserved for meetings with politicians from parliament and commission on private initiative and organization.
Furthermore: Human CCTV walk for the right to be left alone (10:30 - 12:30)
Graphical timeline
Preview without obligation, last update: 29-Aug-2012
Meetings (overview)
Friday (14-Sep-2012)
time | meeting point | meeting with ... | topic |
ca. 16:00-17:00 | fair trade room | Mr. Werner Stengg, Head of Unit E3: "Online and postal services" at European Commission, DG Markt | E-Commerce, Online services |
ca. 18:00-20:00 | fair trade room | Mr. Peter Johan Hustinx, European Data Protection Supervisor | EU Data Protection Reform |
Monday (17-Sep-2012)
time | meeting point | meeting with ... | topic |
10:45 | European Parlament, room ASP 5E1 (FoeBuD) | Christian d'Cunha (DG Home) | Data Retention |
11:30 | European Parlament, room ASP 5E1 (FoeBuD) | Thomas Zerdick / Paul Nemitz (DG Justice) | Data Retention / Data Protection.
Some meeting notes are being drafted here |
14:00 | European Parlament, room ASP 5E1 (FoeBuD) | Ottavio Marzocchi (MEP) | Data Protection Regulation |
15:00 | European Parlament, room ASP 5E1 (FoeBuD) | Florent Frederix (DG Connect) | RFID and Internet of Things |
16:00 | European Parlament, room ASP 5E1 (FoeBuD) | Cornelia Ernst (MEP) | Data Protection Regulation |
Please note that all meetings from FoeBuD are public and you are invited to join us, but we will meet in the European Parlament, which you have to get access for.
Outside events (overview)
day | time | name |
Saturday, 15-Sep-2012 | 11:00 - 13:00 | Walk of protest |
Saturday, 15-Sep-2012 | 14:00 - 16:00 | Spot the cam |
Monday, 17-Sep-2012 | 10:30 - 12:30 | Human CCTV walk |
Mundo B house (overview)
Elevators for all levels are available just like toilets for people in wheel chairs.