AG-eCard Aktionstag
Der Aufruf unten hat folgende Anlagen: Media:TABLE-Health-Commercialization - Excel.xls Media:Call April 7 - EN.doc Media:Analyseraster - DE.pdf
Dear all,
As you perhaps know, different European networks and local collectives in Belgium, France, contacts in Spain* are carrying a European day of action against Health commercialisation on April 7. Our idea is to hold actions and/or activities in as many cities/villages or Health institutions as possible.
The objectives of this day of action are - to make widely visible (to professionnals and public) the reality of commercialisation of Health (and social protection) and show how concrete it is in the every day life - make a first common step to build an annual european mobilisation on April 7 to defend Health (in its broad sens, social determinants)
The European Network against privatisation and commercialisation of Health and social protection (, the one I work for, will elaborate a simple website to show the different mechanisms of commercialisation. In order to build this tool, we are collecting information of the different countries through the table I've put in attachment (in English, French, German and Spanish). It would be great if you take some minutes to send us informations about the situation in your country/region.
Moreover, Belgian organisations are planning an action in Brussels to confront the European Institutions (the form of the action is still to be discussed). In order to show the diversity of the mobilised collectives, It will be great to have imputs/informations about every action in every country. Please send to me (<enkode></enkode>) any information about the mobilisations. We will think how to enhance them (any idea is welcome!).
I put also attached a draft of Call that gives you an idea about what we are denouncing (feel free to send your remarks and suggestions).
Please share this email with any person or collective who may be interested.