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people plan to file a constitutional cpomplaint against data retention of telecommunications data. This would be the "hughest" constitutional complaint of all times in Germany..

Press center of Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung

Here you can find general press information, press statements, photo/video/audio media (for free reuse unless stated otherwise), and press contacts.
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General press information and contacts

Subscribing to the press newsletter or contacting our press team:


Press team:

  • padeluun, FoeBuD e.V., phone: +49-521-175254
  • Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes, Humanistische Union e.V., phone: +49-30-94881297, mobile: +49-170-2487266
  • Sören Zetsche, mobile: +49-162-8547799
  • Werner Hülsmann, FIfF e.V., phone: +49-7531-3659056, mobile: +49-177-2828681




All photos may be reused without fees

26.12.2007: Press statement: President Horst Köhler signs Data Retention Act

Author: Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung (Working Group against Data Retention), 2007-12-26

Today President Horst Köhler signed the German act on telecommunications data retention. Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung, the German Working Group against Data Retention, and numerous other non-governmental organizations and trade associations [1], however, are meeting Köhler's approval with bewilderment, criticizing sharply the law reform introducing an obligatory 6-months data retention for all telecommunications service providers as being in violation of the bill of rights granted by Germany's federal constitution.

Due to its serious constitutional concerns the working group, together with more than 25,000 co-appellants, is about to file a complaint with the German Federal Constitutional Court.

In his 150-pages petition[2], Berlin resident attorney Meinhard Starostik is further applying for a preliminary injunction to immediately suspend obligatory data retention on the grounds of "obvious unconstitutionality".

A more detailed press statement will be released shortly.

For current information please see our press center:

About AK Vorratsdatenspeicherung

Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung is a German association of civil rights and privacy activists as well as regular Internet users that runs a campaign against the complete logging of all telecommunications data.

A critical review of common pro-data-retention arguments:

[1] Joint statement of 45 German NGOs:

[2] The complaint with the German Federal Constitutional court (in German):

27.12.2007: Berlin: Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung auf dem 24th Chaos Communication Congress

Der Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung informiert auf dem 24. Chaos Communication Congress im Berliner bcc umfassend über seine Arbeit gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung und andere Überwachungsthemen.

Hierzu wird es Vorträge, Workshops und (außerhalb des offiziellen Programms) Arbeitsgruppen geben, sowie einen permanenten Infostand (Level C, near the main auditorium, details will follow).

Die Beiträge im einzelnen:

  1. . "Data Retention and EURODAC", Friday, 28.12.2007 (Day 2), 12:45 - 13:30 (Berlin time), Saal 1; by Erik Joseffson from EFF Europe and Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes
  1. . "Resistance isn't futile - next steps to a civil society movement", Friday, 28.12.2007 (Day 2), 18:30 - 20:30 (Berlin time), Workshop room B; by: Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes, Bendrath and Validom
  2. . "International civil society: where the hack are you?", Sunday, 30.12.2007 (Day 4), 12:45 - 14:45 (Berlin time), Workshop room A; we hereby invite international NGOs to another workshop, talking about common strategies and future work; by: Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes, Ralf Bendrath
  1. . "AK Vorrat on the go - Actual projects and plans" - Lightning talk of the AK Vorrat about actual projects, intended to activate new activists! :-D; by Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes
  2. . "Spreading TOR: TOR in every single home" - Introduction to a new national and international campaign and a small subversive thingy, spreading anonymity over the world - by German Privacy Foundation e.V., AK Vorrat and many others!; by Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes

Koordination und Kontakt:

Informationen und Detailplanung: AK Vorrat im Congress-Wiki.

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