Umfrage der EU-Kommission zum Thema Netzwerksicherheit

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Die EU-Kommission führt bis 09.01.2009 eine Umfrage zum Thema "Netzwerksicherheit" durch. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse will sie Vorschläge entwickeln, um Netze vor Angriffen zu schützen. Wir sollten bei der Umfrage mitmachen, um sicherzustellen, dass der Schutz von Netzwerken datenschutzfreundlich erfolgt und nicht durch Überwachung.

Ihr könnt Antworten oder Ideen zur Beantwortung der Fragen hier eintragen.

Towards a Strengthened Network and Information Security in Europe

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Please briefly describe your organisation, including type, geographical profile, size, affiliation,scope and activities (compulsory)

Electronic networks and services constitute the nervous system of our society and the economy, and recent large scale cross-border cyber attacks, for example in Estonia, have highlighted our dependence on them. In this context, what are the major challenges for network and information security to be considered at the national, EU and international level, in particular with regard to resilience of electronic communication networks and information infrastructures? (optional)

Given the importance of electronic networks and services for society and the economy, what should be the three key priorities for policy to address the evolving challenges to network and information security at the EU and the international level? (optional)

Member States have a key role and overall responsibility in guaranteeing the security and continuity of critical services for citizens and businesses. In this context, what should be the focus of future EU policy in order to: •enhance cooperation at the EU level between national competent bodies; and •achieve a holistic, all-encompassing approach to network and information security; •reinforce the synergy between measures focusing on prevention and resilience (“first pillar”) and measures supporting judicial and law enforcement cooperation (“third pillar”)? (optional)

The security and resilience of the Internet is a joint responsibility of all stakeholders, including operators, service providers, hardware and software providers, end-users, public bodies and national governments. This responsibility is shared across geographical boundaries, in particular when responding to large-scale cyber attacks. In this context, what role should the EU play to strengthen the preparedness of the key stakeholders? (optional)

Because of the global nature of the Internet, each and every country has a degree of inter-dependence with other countries, not least when responding to large-scale cyber attacks. How can we support trans-national cooperation in the EU to cope with evolving network and information security challenges? (optional)

What instruments are needed at EU level to tackle the challenges and support the policy priorities in the field of network and information security? In particular, what instruments or mechanisms are needed to enhance preparedness to handle large scale cyber disruptions and to ensure high levels of security and resilience of electronic networks and infrastructures? (optional)

A strong and effective European incident response capability could be a key element of ensuring fast responses to cyber attacks and speedy recovery from disruptions. Building upon initiatives at national level, what EU instruments or actions could be considered to reinforce incident response capability? (optional)

In 2004, the creation of the European Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) was an important step in promoting an EU-wide cooperation in the field of network and information security. Given the evolving network and information security challenges, is an Agency still the right instrument to “enhance the capability of the Community, the Member States and, as a consequence, the business community to prevent, address and respond to network and information security problems”? (compulsory)

If yes, what should be the mandate and the size of such an Agency to successfully meet this objective? (optional)

If no, what are the alternatives that should be considered? (optional)

Given the shared responsibility of stakeholders for Internet security and resilience, what are the most appropriate instruments to foster international dialogue and cooperation? In particular, what instruments are required to nurture cross-border public-private partnerships to ensure the good functioning of today’s electronic networks and infrastructures? (optional)