Freedom Not Fear 2012/Organizing-Help

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Organizing / ToDo / Help needed!

Everybody is welcome, everybody is needed

  • Everybody is welcome.
  • No kind of registration is necessary - just come and join us.
  • Any help in turning our days to perfect days is fine and welcome. For example:
  • Proposing your topic: a workshop, a talk or just a meeting with people having the same interests can do it. Just choose a room and time at the Schedule and fill in your topic. (Doing this at our welcome plenum will be okay, too. But registering topics in advance helps us planning ...)
  • Installing an information desk: Stickers, information folders etc. are welcome. Just take them with you and we will set up a table in the lounge to provide all stuff that is being provided.
  • Take care of each other during the FNF event. Even if we may have different opinions, please respect one another.
  • Keep our home clean: the Mundo B house is borrowed to us. Plase take care and give a helping hand at the start, while FNF is going on or at the end.
  • Everyone at FNF is working for free, as a volunteer.

Hardware help

WIFI is being provided by Mundo B house, tables and chairs are on-site.

But there are some things being needed to make FNF work. For example:

  • 2-4 Beamers incl. its connections
    • 1x being provided by michael
    • 1x ptr_here (1024x768, LCD 1000 lumen, vga connector)
    • 1x brought to mundo by FoeBuD
  • Power supply cables (extensions, distributions)
    • ptr_here got 6 (+-4m cable, 4plugs each) (BE plugs! -- so with the big metal earth pin sticking out -- de / nl don't like these...)
    • 4x distributers, 2x extensions by michael
  • Paper and pencil, if needed.
  • 1 Printer (1x simple printer may be provided by michael, if no one else can help with this from Brussels)
    • will ask around at hackerspace bxl
  • One or two pair of active loudspeakers incl. cables - for film presentings for example (1x set by michael, if necessary)
  • Any further hardware that is being needed personally ...

Special jobs

If anyone could take responsibity for one of the following "jobs", it would be a great help.

Don't be afraid - you wont be alone and help can be given.

Walk of protest

  • Organizing the walk of protest - the "job" contains:
  • Finding consensus on time and track of our walk
  • Registering the concerning mayors of Brussels/its police and be the "man in the middle" for the following communication


  • Organizing one or two simple rooms/appartments for the organizers and for some people from outside of Brussels.
  • A simple and cheap place with lot of place on the floor for sleeping-bags would be fine - the idea is to provide a simple but cheap/free chance to stay the nights.
  • Having a place in the near of Mundo B house would help a lot.
  • Room access during the night should be possible.