Second version: working paper 30. Dez 2010
Callshop meeting
A proposal for an decentralized European wide campaign to opposite the DATA RETENTION! Let's rush the EU level to forbid the no-reason data storing of all our day life communication data! The whole year 2011, the EU directive got its first-time institutional evaluation. Let's kill two birds with one stone by doing lobbying and public relations at the same time. Make your choice: Freedom not Fear!
Concept for a recurring event:
1. Information
2. How To in three steps
3. Impact
(4. Thoughts)
1. Information:
First of all, we should agree upon a common date to start campaigning. Perhaps it is useful to warm up the campaign by having a first announced test run. This test run has two targets: Preparing and training and creating mobilization material (videos etc.) for the real campaign.
Is everyone in our hometown for data retention? If not, find some friends sharing your political opinion and sit together. Are we willing to go offline for campaigning? If yes, read on.
We're going to perform a kind of flashmob. The aim is to generate pressure on the EU institutions (commission, council and of course parliament) to withdraw the data retention directive - which is really one of the most crucial threads for our civil rights and liberties! Therefore, we need to change people's minds. We all know how difficult this might be, so please don't be frustrated. Stay organized :)
We already use broad diversity of communication tools. Of course, the best way would still be to travel all together to Bruxelles and speak with all authorities individually. This time we will contact people personally by phone, everywhere and together in public places and in accordance of press and media!
2. How To in three steps.
First step is to meet. Choose some politicians or officials which you and other participants of the upcoming telemeeting want to call. You can also handle whole lists. Pick a call shop and get in touch with the owner. Invite other people to come to the telemeeting. Invite the press and prepare to create own publications in all types of media. Inform the journalists and invite them individually. Prepare a banner, a text for the press, flyers for passers-by, coloured chalkstones, eight bit music and hand-outs for the frontside of the call shop. Proceed with the next step.
Second step is to gather at the innercity call shop. Mark the territory with the banner and the coloured chalkstones. Go inside, take a seat, side by side in the phone cabins and call your officials. Get a glass of water before the calls. Tell your counterpart why you are afraid and why you are against data retention. Give him the chance to ask questions. Speak with him or her about the campaign. Leave your contact address and encourage him to react. Make as many calls as you like. Proceed with the next step.
Third step is to talk with the press and interested people to explain your point of view. Don't forget generating own media material – acoustics, text, video etc. for posting it. Leave the place properly and go to a café to talk about the event and to get to know each other.
3. Impact
A lot of input for our servants. More security for our privacy, if the aim can be reached. Solidarity around europe. Stopping data retention. ...
4. Thoughts
More detailed timeline? Mentioning the steps of political progress? Computer scientist to the middle of the society. hihi Don't get frustrated! Links to other how to/Information for "Contact the press" "Data Retention" "Adresses from representatives and civic servants" “Arguments & Facts againts data retention” “Material – Flyer – Music” Contact groups to join the idea already before the announcement.