Freedom Not Fear 2012/Organizing-Help

Aus Freiheit statt Angst!

< Freedom Not Fear 2012
Version vom 16:11, 13. Aug. 2012 von Muzungu (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Organizing / ToDo / Help needed!


Everybody is welcome, everybody is needed

  • Everybody is welcome.
  • No kind of registration is necessary - just come and join us.
  • Any help in making or days to good days is fine and welcome. For example:
  • Providing your topic to the auditory: a workshop, a lecture or just a meeting of people with the same interests can do it. Just choose room and time at the Schedule and fill in your theme. (Doing this at our welcome plenum will be okay, too. But registering topics in advance helps planing ...)
  • Installing an information desk: Stickers, information folders etc. are welcome. Just take them with you and we will set up a table in the lounge to provide all stuff that is being provided.
  • Take care of each other while FNF is running. Even if we may have different opinions, please respect the other one.
  • Keep our home clean: the Mundo B house is borrowed to us. Plase take care and give a helping hand at the start, while FNF is going on or at the end.
  • Everyone at FNF is working for free, as a volunteer.

Hardware help

WIFI is being provided by Mundo B house, tables and chairs are on-site.

But there are some things being needed to make FNF work. For example:

  • 2-4 Beamers incl. its connections (1x being provided by Michael)
  • Power supply cables (extensions, distributions)
  • Paper and pencil, if needed.
  • 1 Printer (1x simple printer may be provided by Michael, if no one else can help with this from Brussels)
  • Any further hardware that is being needed

Special jobs

If anyone could take responsibity for one of the following "jobs", it would be a great help.

Don't be afraid - you wont be alone and help can be given.

Walk of protest

  • Organizing the walk of protest - the "job" contains:
  • Finding consensus on time and track of our walk
  • Registering the concerning mayors of Brussels/its police and be the "man in the middle" for the following communication


  • Organizing one or two simple rooms/appartments for the organizers and for some people from outside of Brussels.
  • A simple and cheap place with lot of place on the floor for sleeping-bags would be fine - the idea is to provide a simple but cheap/free chance to stay the nights.
  • Having a place in the near of Mundo B house would help a lot.
  • Room access during the night should be possible.
Persönliche Werkzeuge