Informations for Brussels privacy-travellers
Most important points are being marked on the map. With enough time it is easily possible to make most of the distances per feet, but public transport services are very good, too.
There are three big stations within the center of Brussels: "Bruxelles-Midi"/"Brussel-Zuid" in the South, "Gare du Nord"/"Noordstation" in the North and Brussels Central/Centraal Station. All international trains arrive at the Midi/Zuid Station. See the map.
For some connections taking the bus is a quite cheap way to travel to Brussels. Eurolines for example is offering cheap transport if you book in advance. Those busses end at the "Gare du Nord".
The main airport is "Brussels Zaventem" (BRU), some other mostly (cheaper) companies use "Brussels Charleroi" (CRL), which is 1h bus travel (cost: 22 € return) from Brussels.
"Cheap" Hostels
- Hostel Vincent van Gogh "CHAB" - from 18,50 Euro. Simple, but okay. WIFI only in the foyer and not for free!
- Jugendherberge Jaques Brel - from about 19,50 Euro
- Hostel 2go4 - from 19,00 Euro. Free WIFI and a common room inlcuding common kitchen! :)
- Jugendherberge Generation Europe - from 19,50 Euro
- Jugendherberge Bruegel - from 22,00 Euro
- Hostel Sleepwell - from 19,50 Euro. WIFI.
Some more options
- Couchsurfing
- Camping within the parlamentarian quarter (but only in July and August!): at the back of the Church in [17 Chaussee de Wavre 205], Phone 0032-2-640-7967
- Camping Royal Camping Caravaning Club, about 8 km east of Brussels center
- Camping Camping Grimbergen, about 10 km north of Brussels center
For a detailed guide on how to lobby the institutions, you can check EDRi's "Activist Guide to the EU":
Don't play theatre - be yourself and authentic. It's more important to have a real interest, some fire - but at the same time it is very important to stay cool and factual. Be prepared!
Don't loose too many words, reduce your argumentative to the core. Try to make it interesting and fascinating, what's moving you. It may be helpful to have a paper or a flyer with your points with you, in English or French depending on who you're talking to. However, the flyer should be short (one page), compact and easy to overview. Ask the persons you're talking to for their opinion and try to understand their way of thinking and arguing.
Probably at Parlamentariens (MEP's). They've got their offices in the "Altierro-Spinelli" building. Visitors entrance (where you will get picked up) is from the street named "Rue Wiertz" (eastside, not the pedastrian area side!)
In case of being part of a bigger, registered visitors group, it may be that you will find entrance at the groups entrance at the "Paul-Henri-Spaak" building.
Ask in time to get a date! Normally 3 to 4 weeks in advance should be okay but take care of holidays! And even if you get a date it may be only for 5 or 15 minutes. Or maybe you will not get the possibility to meet the policitcian itself but his or her clerk. But dont worry! This all does not have to implicate anything.
Find a good time to meet politicians from the European Parliament with taking a view on the EP-Calendar.
With that:
- Sessions: Good, because all MEP's are in Brussels. But only short period meetings are possible (between the sessions).
- Commitees: Good times, if you like to intervene for specific themes - if you know at what times your topic is being treated and who's the head for that, you may have the chance to hold a very specific talk.
- Groups: At those times when the fractions are meeting you may eventually find a chance for single talks with more time.
- But: While parlamentarians are in Strasbourg there is no chance at all to find responsible people in Brussels to talk with.
How to meet Parlamenaterians
After fixing the date you should be ready to wait a quarter of hour in advance at visitors entrance of "Altiero Spinelli". From the reception there you can call to the office of your MEP and ask for pick up. (It's not bad to arrange this at the same time as fixing the date.)
While waiting you my fill out the form and keep your identity card ready.
Visiting the MEP's house the first time they will take a photography of yours. That will be stored.
It is very useful to organize several dates within one day. With a little luck you may then stay within the security area all the time, without being accompanied to the exit after every date. And this might be a lucky chance to get in contact with others responsibles, too - even without having an explicite date ...
From A to B in Brussels
Brussels is pretty small so you walk (almost) everywhere. Busses and subway (metro) also work very well. The best is by bike. :) You can rent bikes easily here:
A map of public transport in Brussels is here:
- Brussels truip to CPDP-Conference January 2011
- Work-and-Lobby-weekend on "PNR - Passenger name record" May 2011
- Freedom Not Fear 2011, 17 - 19 September 2011
- Freedom Not Fear 2012, 14 - 17 Septebmer 2012
- Freedom Not Fear 2013, 27 - 30 September 2013
Important note!
All informations without any guarantee. Please help to keep this site actual and correct - you can edit this page without any registration.