Freedom Not Fear 2011/Brussels/Invitation: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Freiheit statt Angst!
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Zeile 63: Zeile 63:
| AK Vorrat -
| AK Vorrat -
| /
| yes, by michael
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Zeile 73: Zeile 73:
| FoeBuD e.V. -
| FoeBuD e.V. -
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| yes, by michael
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| /
| /
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Zeile 86: Zeile 86:
| 1 Jul.
| 1 Jul.
| maybe
| maybe
| AK Zensus -
| yes, by michael
| /
| /
| AK Zensur -
| yes, by michael
| /
| /

Version vom 4. Juli 2011, 18:03 Uhr



Dear friends,

we have a vision to engage in an event of the Europe-wide "Freedom not Fear action" taking place in Brussels.

After a period of putting our heads together, having some talks and thoughts we are a little bit proud having established this vision into a very first concept:

On September 17th to 19th (saturday to monday) we invite you and all of your friends, members and supporters to come to Brussels and join our European "Freedom not Fear weekend" with us!

What's going on there?

We would like to start with a demonstration on Saturday: We say "No!" to data retention and PNR, we reject measures that are violating our fundamental democratic right to freedom of expression and we therefore call for immediate measures to protect Net Neutrality on a European level.

The following Sunday shall give us some room and time for networking over all European borders, meeting, making friends, giving and joining workshops, lectures and talks. It's only up to you and us, what we are making out of it.

On Monday, we would like to invite politicians, parlamentarians and representatives from the European Commission to lend us an ear, to hear our concerns and our arguments.

What do we ask for?

1. Please spread this invitation to all members and friends of your group, who are connected to the idea of defending our fundamental rights in a mordern, networked world. Everybody is invited to join us. Additional help in organizing would be great but is definitely not necessary.

2. We also would like to ask you for some support of our idea of an European weekend of protesting, networking and debating. It would be very helpful if we were allowed to feed our supporters-list with your name.

3. Finally, we are still looking for a nice logo/emblem/graphic to brand our "event". Therefore we started a competition (without money or material awards!) and it would be fine if you could spread the invitation to join this competition to all of your members.

More Information

Freedom not Fear 2011 Brussels


Open Mailinglist for all discussions

Contact (email)

Contact (for the group)
Michael: micha_ebeling (at), Mobile (+49) 1577 - 39 19 170
Katta: ...
Frank: ...
Marius: maurice (at) prodlab (pt) net, GSM +49 176 609 607 88, Jabber: maurice.prodlab (at) draugr (pt) de
Werner: ...
Jochim: ...
Kai-Uwe: ...
Michi: ...

Contact (in Brussels)
Kirsten: ethnes (at), Twitter: @Kirst3nF, Jabber: kirst3n (at)

About us
We are a mixed group of NGO's and normal citizens from all over europe.

List of groups to be invited

Group/addressee Invited? By whom? Reply? Support? (yes/no)
AK Vorrat - yes, by michael / /
Nurpa - / / /
FoeBuD e.V. - yes, by michael / / yes, by Kirsten / / yes, by Kirsten 1 Jul. maybe
AK Zensus - yes, by michael / /
AK Zensur - yes, by michael / /
NGO / / /

Former actions

Draft of invitation-letter

Has been edited on etherpad.