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Evaluation of the EU directive on Telecommunication Data Retention

Background and Information

After the Implementation of the EU-Directive in 2005, the first evalution is planned in 2011. This might be the last chance to repeal the directive. The first evaluation draft from the commission was planned to be published in late 2010. But they are in trouble. The member states were incorrect and did not evaluate the use of the data retention.


  • 8 June 2011: Commission Meeting with civil society representatives ("consumer groups, victim protection groups etc.")
  • 17 June 2011: Commission Meeting with industry representatives
  • 22 June 2011: Commission Meeting with representatives of national DPAs and the EDPS
  • 30 June 2011: Commission Meeting with representatives to be named by Member States
  • Summer: Commission will present Impact Assessment
  • By the end of 2011: Commission proposal to amend the data retention directive
  • From there onwards: European Parliament and European Council (member states) co-decision procedure, which leads to a final result.

To do

To Talk to

Organizations and websites for more information

Anyting else


Some abbreviations:

  • DR = Data Retention
  • MEP = Member of Parliament
  • EP = European Parliament
  • DG = Directorate Generale e.g. Home Affairs
  • Art.29 Group = Data Protection Working Group