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Work-and-lobby-weekend on PNR

The idea behind this is to get people from europe together to talk, (net)work and lobby against the planed Passenger-Name-Record-Directive (PNR-DR).


The idea behind this model of "work-and-lobby-weekend" ist as following:

time what's going on?
friday evening - saturday morning arrival, get together
saturday morning alex will bring some actual basic informations to get us started
saturday morning - sunday evening meeting, talking, discussing
sunday afternoon finding "common sense", compiling "common paper", preparing for monday
monday common lobbying in Altiero-Spinelli
monday afternoon/evening saying good-bye

Everybody should feel free to use the time on monday or further on for his own lobbying-campaign. Once you're inside of Altiero Spinelli it is very easy to get in contact with MEP's or their right hands.


2011, May 27 to 30 (friday til monday)


Brussels, Belgium.

For the weekend we will spend the day-time at the small conference room at mundo, Rue d'Edimbourg 26, 1050 Bruxelles, Tel. +32-2-894 4611

Here is a map of that location - it is quite near to the metro-station porte de namur, even very near to the European Parliament.

On monday we'll have a conference room in the Altiero Spinelli building of the European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels.


Wether friday evening in the lobby of the 2go4-hostel, let's say 6pm.

or saturday morning in mundo between 8am and 9am.

Lobbying to whom?


  • Timothy Kirkhope (ECR, UK)
  • Jan-Philipp Albrecht (Greens, DE)
  • Axel Voss / Monika Hohlmeier (EPP, DE / DE)
  • Birgit Sippel (S&D, DE)
  • Sophie In't Veld / Alexander Alvaro (ALDE, NL / DE)
  • Rui Tavares / Cornelia Ernst (GUE, PT / DE)
  • Reinhard Priebe, Director - Internal Security, DG HOME Job description: To provide overall strategic orientation and management of Directorate A "Internal Security", within the framework set by the Directorate's-General mission statement and annual work programme. The Directorate operates under the direct supervision of the Director-General.
  • Despina Vassiliadou, Policy Officer - Access to information, DG HOME Job description: Contribute to EU policy regarding access to information, in particular access to Passenger Name Record data (PNR).
  • Peter Csonka, JHA Coodinator, Hungarian Council Presidency
  • Stavros Lambrinidis (S&D, ESP) Vice President of Parliament, Involved in new Data Protection Directive
  • maybe we should try to invite some media/press as well: i.e. Claus Hecking (FTD), Valentina Popp (euobserver)

Confirmed for meeting on Monday

11:00-12:00 Sophie Bots (policy advisor to MEP Sophie In't Veld, ALDE group)

14:00-15:00 Michael Speiser (policy advisor to the EPP group in the EP)

15:00-15:45 Grace Knott und Robin Healey (UK representation to the EU)

15:45-16:00 Jan Philipp Albrecht (MEP, Green group)

16:00-17:00 Fabrizia Panzetti (policy advisor to the S&D group in the EP)

to be confirmed

German representation to the EU (most likely)

Hungarian Presidency of the Council (unlikely)

EU Commission (unlikely)

Timothy Kirkhope or advisor (MEP, ECR/Tories)

Who is joining?

  • michael - DE, from "AK Vorrat", micha_ebeling (edd) mail36 (dot) net
  • Alex - AT, from NoPNR, info (edd) nopnr (dot) org
  • Ralf Bendrath, AK Vorrat / netzpolitik.org / EDRi, policy advisor of MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht, bendrath (at) zedat (dot) fu-berlin (dot) de
  • Hauke, Liberal, Green and Radical, EU-Privacy Issues (privacydirective.eu) and Critical Infrastructure, activism[äätt]gierow[bunkt]eu
  • Marius - DE, AK Vorrat, maurice (äth) prodlab (dot) net
  • Joe - joe.mcnamee (at) EDRi.org
  • Wouter (policy advisor to the Greens in the EP)
  • Caroline De Geest (Liga voor Mensenrechten/ Human Rights League)
  • Franziska, law department, Uni Luxembourg


We were looking for different solutions but didn't catch any real good solution. We would like to recommend to get to the 2go4-hostel because the prices are okay there, there is free wifi and a public kitchen and it's no problem to stay there even if you're older than 40 summers (even though that those guys didn't like to help us in reserving a 8-bed-room for ourselves ...).

If you like to stay anywhere else - no problem. There is a little overview of some cheap hostels on the german wiki page "brussels travel guide for privacy-activists".


Don't hesitate to ask Michael, Marius or Ralf.

What do we need on-site?

  • very important: printer (alex)
  • printer-paper (alex)
  • WIFI-router (michael)
  • beamer incl. long vga-cable (michael)
  • belgium umts-stick (ryo via michael)
  • some power extension cables (michael, marius, ...)
  • some pencils, glue, scissors (michael)
  • folders at a number of ten - including following documents (michael):
  • proposal for the pnr-directive from the commission
  • summary of the impact assessment from the commission
  • uk-proposal for the directive
  • cep-position
  • statewatch-analysis
  • article-29-group-opinion
  • anything else? - chips and drinks?





Academic Papers

Financial support

Is unfortunately not available. We have to finance and work on ourselves.

But: If any big trouble in this, then please dont hesitate to contact us. There may be support in single cases!

Ride to brussels

  • i will take the way from hanover (germany) to brussels (belgium) with the car, either by duisburg and venlo or by cologne an aachen. if anybody wants to join me on my way, please contact me. i will start on friday and return on late monday. (michael).


Some images of our friday-to-sunday-home Mundo (stolen from here).

Some images from the 2go4-hostel (stolen from here).


Side Events

On thursday evening there will be the#4 Net Politics Beer Brussels - #npbbxl, find additional information here: http://doodle.com/zpxv67kuh4zgxq8f, I (Hauke @giereow) will attend, who else?

Persönliche Werkzeuge