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Aus Freiheit statt Angst!
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Let's stop telecommunications data retention!

Welcome to our wiki. This is the place to come if you want to take action against the increasing surveillance and the erosion of our civil liberties by a number of outrageous "anti-terror laws" - among them the upcoming telecommunications data retention law.

All English content is available here. We are looking for some translation help! All English data retention-related content is available here.

What can i do?


Every hand counts. Everyone can help to push this project.

Local groups

Forming local groups is a way to achieve effective organisation and quick communication. You should join a location group or create one if there does not exist one in your area.


category brief description

actions and projects

Action against telecommunications data retention in Dresden
Help orga-
nising demonstrations, information booths, actions, campaigns and more


banners, flyers, music, posters, stickers, slogans and more

Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung

At Linux day

about us


Help to translate the german content to english

wiki and website

technical information about the wiki and the websites


past actions


Summary of all the english information

press center

contact persons, press releases