Passenger Name Record
Version vom 29. Mai 2011, 15:18 Uhr von Wir speichern nicht! (Diskussion | Beiträge) (→Official EU-Documents)
Background and Information
- 9-10 June 2011: JHA Council (Luxembourg) on EU-Australia-Agreement
- 14 June 2011: Panel at CFP (Washington DC)
- 16 June 2011: LIBE Committee: Debate on EU-Australia-Agreement (Brussels)
- 22/23 June 2011: EP Plenary
- Mid-June 2011: Opinion by Fundamental Rights Agency
- August 2011: BXL Shut down / Holiday & Travel season
- September 2011: Final vote on Australia-Agreement
- Nov./Dez. 2011: Proposal for new Data Protection Directive » Safe Harbor etc.
Actions / action ideas
- Anti-PNR Campaign by Open Rights Group, UK
- Work-and-Lobby-Weekend in Brussels, 28-30 June 2011
- Summer time is travel season. Distribute leaflets and start actions at airports and travel agencies! Make sure you have media coverage.
- List of Members of the European Parliament (MEP) by Name
- List of MEPs by Country
- List of MEPs by Group
- Who-is-Who directory of the European Union
- European Parliament Legislative Observatory: Fight against terrorism and serious crime: use of passenger name record data
- Statewatch Observatory: EU surveillance of passengers (EU-PNR, 2003-2008) - revisited 2011
- Statewatch Observatory: EU PNR Directive (Passenger Name Record) (2011)
- Statewatch Observatory: EU-US PNR Agreement
- NoPNR: Documents of Commission, Council and NGOs
Official EU-Documents
- [2011-02-02] [ EC COM(2011) 32 final - Proposal for a
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the use of Passenger Name Record data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime]
EU-Australia PNR Agreement
EU-US PNR Agreement
- Statewatch - Hynes, M. (2011): Proposal for a Directive on the use of Passenger Name Record data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime (March 2011).
- Statement of CEP on PNR (CEP = "Centrum für Europäische Politik", an EU-political Think Tank of the Foundation "Stiftung Ordnungspolitik")
- Hasbrouck, E. (2011): Analysis of the draft US-EU agreement on PNR for the Identity Project / (May 2011).
Academic Papers
- What's in a PNR? by Edward Hasbrouck
- Hasbrouck, E.: Testimony at EP hearing on PNR, including slides of PNR ecosystem and data flows (April 2010)
- How to request your PNR data from the U.S. DHS and travel companies (English; could use German and other translations; request templates need to be modified for each country to cite national laws)
Organizations and Websites for additional information
- NoPNR! by Alexander Sander
- Papers, please! by Edward Hasbrouck
- European Digital Rights (EDRi) on Airline Passenger Data
- Research-Toolbox on Lobbying from Corporate Europe Observatory
- How-To for a decentralized Public-Phone-Call-Campaign called Callshop Meeting
- German PNR-Flyer (March 2011) and its Open Document-Sourcecode
- Translation project:
- Small Guide for "Privacy-Travellers" to Brussels (German)
- EU-lobbying on data retention (English)
- How-To EU-Lobby (German)
Some abbreviations:
- PNR = Passenger Name Record
- MEP = Member of Parliament
- EC = European Commission
- EP = European Parliament
- DG = Directorate Generale e.g. Home Affairs
- Article 29 Group = EU Data Protection Working Group